Parish Ministry
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 874) “Christ is himself the source of ministry in the Church. He instituted the Church. He gave her authority and mission, orientation, and a goal. In order to shepherd the People of God and to increase its numbers without cease, Christ the Lord set up in his Church a variety of offices which aim at the good of the whole body. The holders of office, who are invested with a sacred power, are, in fact, dedicated to promoting the interests of their brethren, so that all who belong to the People of God . . . may attain to salvation.”
Here you can find a list of the wide variety of ministries that make Francis de Sales a community of Catholic life.
- POC: Shelly Oliver
- Assists the pastor in organizing liturgical prayer and sacramental celebrations that nourish and transform the parish, helping them to “full, conscious, and active participation.” Assists the pastor in keeping liturgical materials updated, assists with formation of accolytes, and may provide training where needed in areas of liturgy.
Liturgical Music
- POC: Cathy Schirmer
- Music ministers sing in the choirs, serve as cantors and play instruments at liturgies. Music ministers learn to identify music appropriate to the liturgical seasons, feast days, and liturgical celebration.
- POCS: Jon Oliver & Paul Flaherty
- Train and schedule altar servers to assist the priest at Mass.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
- POC:
- Coordinates the ministers who assist in the distribution of Holy Communion by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the desires of the pastor.
Funeral Liturgy Coordinator
- POC:
- Serves as the link between the bereaved family and the parish in identifying the liturgical desires, readings, and music, need for lectors, hospitality, and understanding logistics to burial sites. Becomes familiar with the Order of Christian Funerals.
- POC: Ed McNamee
- Lectors serve an important liturgical role in proclaiming the Word of God. Ministers of the Word proclaim Scripture and the Prayers of the Faithful for liturgical celebrations, primarily Sunday Mass. Ministers of the Word must be baptized, practicing Catholics of high school age and older. This ministry requires an ongoing commitment to study and prayer with the Word of God.
- POC: Tina Darby
- Sacristans, under the general direction of the pastor, undertake the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations. Volunteers help to maintain the quality of all church linens ensuring they are washed, pressed, and prepared for liturgical use.
- POC: Ed Lipinski
- Assist parishioners and visitors to our church in finding a seat, direct communicants during Communion, assist with collection, aid in minimizing distractions to the Mass, and provide initial assistance during medical emergencies.
Parish Administration
- Paul Flaherty; [email protected]; 804-725-2776
- Exercises day-to-day operation of the parish’s business;
- Ensures compliance with certain diocesan and canonical regulations;
- Conducts short and long-term planning for the parish’s physical plant;
- Coordinates facility maintenance/improvement.
Office Manager
- POC: Mary Marshall; [email protected]; 804-725-2776
- Assists the Pastor and the Parish Administrator in the daily administration of the parish.
- POC: Elaine Lynch
- Provides the printed and online communication with parishioners through the weekly bulletin which highlights parish events, provides the pastor with an additional forum for reaching parishioners, and provides catechesis.
Bulletin Advertisements
- POC: Helen Keitz, Acting
- Identifies and approaches potential advertisers for the parish bulletin as a source of parish fundraising.
- POC: Paul Flaherty
- Coordinates induction into the columbarium, as well as the maintenance and canonical requirements for its operation. Ensures compliance with diocesan regulations. Works with parish Funeral Coordinator when families desire to inter remains.
- POC: Christine Dehnert-Fernald
- Volunteers gather to count the Sunday collection.
- POC: Pat Lipinski
- Ensures an appropriate liturgical environment is maintained by freshening flowers, rearranging seasonal decorations for liturgical seasons, feasts, Holy Days; ensures items are properly stored.
- POC: Eric Chadwell
- Identify ideas and develop plans that can be converted into significant fundraisers to the support the mission of our parish.
Grounds Manager
- POC: Allen Downs and Drew Darby
- Provides/coordinates grounds maintenance for the parish. Offers short and long-term planning for the parish’s outdoor grounds. Coordinates Spring/Fall days for volunteers to offer their service for the general maintenance of the parish.
Memorial Bricks
- POC: Paul Flaherty
- Manages the Memorial Brick Program as a way of keeping constant the memory of parishioners and providing an additional source of additional funds for the parish.
- POC: Ed McNamee
- Manages the parish’s website as a means of providing communication between the pastor and the parish, providing catechetical information, and urgent information updates.
Evangelization Program
- POC:
- Develops and executes strategies for the parish to conduct its primary mission to the world of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. The evangelization team seeks ways to call parishioners to deeper transformation in their life with Christ, to reach out to those Catholics who have fallen away from the faith, and to reach out to those who do not yet know the love of Christ.
- POC: Jessie Miller, Acting
- Greet people as they enter our parish. Introduce new faces to those who can answer questions for visitors and potential new members.
Hands Across Mathews
- POC: Paul Hyer
- Coordinates our donations to Hands Across Mathews help ensure the pantry for those in need in our local community remains full throughout the year.
Hospitality (Not listed in current bulletins)
- POC: Mary Flaherty
- Coordinates the planning, set-up, food procurement/preparation, serving, and clean up after parish Hospitality Sundays. Refreshments and fellowship are offered after Mass on the third Sunday of every month. Responsible for parish kitchen cleanliness and equipment safety.
Justice & Peace (Not listed in current bulletin)
- POC: Helen Yacobucci
- This committee plans, implements and evaluates the social justice ministry of the parish. It helps the parish to meet the needs of the poor and oppressed and identify where the parish can improve upon caring for our common home. This committee helps the parish to reflect on the Gospel’s social teaching and on the underlying causes of social problems by coordinating with Liturgy Committee and Christian Formation; and to transform social structures through legislative advocacy, peacemaking, and other efforts. This ministry encourages parishioners to build a culture of life and care for our common home through their family, work, and citizenship.
New Members
- POC: Pat Lipinski
- Volunteers welcome new members and connect these new members to parish life.
Parish Life
- POC: Rita Engle
- The Parish Life Committee identifies and plans functions that promote the spirit of community and a sense of belonging to the parish. This includes consistent and planned efforts to strengthen relationships among all parishioners to foster a truly hospitable atmosphere. The committee is particularly concerned with reaching out to new and inactive members and involving them in parish activities.
Youth Ministry
- POC:
- Coordinates the ministry of young people with the broader church events and experiences. Offer fun, faith-filled activities throughout the year for youth to assist with getting youth started on their own journey of life-long conversion.
Pastoral Care
- POC: Mary Flaherty
- Coordinates parishioners who minister to parishioners in hospital, nursing homes, and who may be homebound.
Parish Outreach/Angel Tree Outreach
- POC: Helen Yacobucci
- Coordinates the parish activity within the Mathews County Snack Pack program for underserved school children. During Advent, coordinates donations from parishioners to serve adults within local assisted living homes with needed items.
Adult Faith Formation/Parish Catechetical Leader
- POC: Ed McNamee
- Includes Bible studies, small group faith sharing, and other programming. Offers Adult Faith Formation designed to assist adults toward their own life-long conversion and spiritual growth.
K-8 Religious Education and Preparation for Initial Sacraments
- POC: Michelle Haas
- The Religious Education Program strives to assist parents in leading their children to become disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing the basic elements of the Catholic faith and preparation for the reception of the initial sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
High School Religious Education
- POC: Ms. Courtney Hudson
- The High School Religious Education Program continues the work done through Middle School religious education and also prepares children for their final sacrament for full initiation into the Church, the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
- POC: Cheryl Henig
- RCIA is the process established by the Church for individuals to enter into the Catholic faith and receive the sacraments of initiation. Volunteers assist with guiding catechumens through the rites of initiation and coordinate with the parish so that new members feel welcome and learn from the faith experiences of the entire parish.
Sacramental Inquiry/Baptismal Preparation
- POC: Ed McNamee
- Assists those inquiring into the reception of sacraments at various stages of life, especially infant baptism and marriage preparation. Coordinates with the RCIA team for those inquiring about entering the Catholic faith.
Confirmation Preparation
- POC: Ms. Jessie Miller
- Prepares youth for the sacrament of Confirmation.
First Holy Communion/First Reconciliation
- POC: Michelle Haas
- Prepares children for their first Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.